Divine Light Recoding, Activation & Alignment
A Divine Light Session is an intimate and loving experience that attunes you to the vibration of your Divine Blueprint and to higher vibrational timelines of perfect health, infinite abundance, inner peace, love, joy and purpose. Combined with raising the consciousness of the planet, Velentaya’s mission is twofold: To help spiritually awakened people activate their Soul Gifts and to assist
humanity in living their most inspired and harmonious life aligned to the higher dimensions, anchored in divine love, trust, and flow.
In every session a variety of galactic, angelic, and other high dimensional guides deliver a wide range of sound harmonics through Velentaya. Speaking the Languages of Light and the Akash, they utilize her structure, consciousness, and vocal cords to recode and activate the DNA. This attunement process creates a rapid shift in vibration for the individual. As a result, timelines more supportive of this new and higher vibration become available and movement from lower vibrational timelines of sickness, lack, fear, suffering, sadness, etc. can happen quickly and with ease.
During these dynamic sessions, participants can often feel energetic shifts within the surrounding space, as well as within the physical body. Often times clients may find themselves overcome with emotion as they release blocks and move into alignment with Divine Source. Many experience life changing shifts post session, such as improved health, awakening of spiritual gifts, and greater states of peace, joy and abundance.
Understand that during a Divine Light Session your entire structure is flooded with high vibration light coded frequencies. You will be affected on a physical and energetic level. This can be a very powerful experience for many. It’s important you find a quiet space free of interruptions for the duration of your session with dedicated quiet time prior to and after your session for frequency integration.
Although Velentaya does not record client sessions, you will receive a link to join a video call with the option to record your session directly to your hard drive.
Note that you are encouraged to record your session as Divine Light Activations can be listened to multiple times due to the many layers of light information encoded within. Clients have seen continued shifts with up to 10 listens to a single session. *Keep in mind that recording may not be an option if you join the call via phone or tablet.
Please note: A session with Velentaya does not involve predictions or the sharing of psychic information. It does, however, create a dimensional shift that offers new experiences and change in vibration, as well as opening new timeline potentials. It is up to the client to actively participate in maintaining and supporting the work post session.
To view the types of sessions Velentaya offers click here.
60 Minute Private Session • $300
This 60 Minute Remote Session is designed to assist you in living your most abundant, inspired, and joyous life. In a live private setting, Velentaya and the guides offer a deeply personalized and focused experience to assist you in moving forward faster, toward the life you desire. Whether you feel “stuck” due to limiting beliefs or repeated patterns and programs, such as financial issues, recurring illness, etc. a private session can offer a gentle but rapid shift to higher frequency timelines free of these hardships.
You will receive a vibrational attunement to pure light as high level guides work through Velentaya to deliver the Languages of Light and the Akash. In this process, sound harmonics carrying light coded information flood your structure to recode and activate the DNA. This creates rapid shifts in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies and in your overall vibrational frequency.
As a result, more harmonious timeline potentials may become available to you, such as improved health, awakening of spiritual gifts, and greater states of peace, love, joy and abundance.
Note that there will be discussion time prior to and after the transmission to determine the focus of the session and to offer post session guidance.
The activation will be approximately 45 minutes long and will include a channeled Divine Light Code personal to your current vibrational needs. Each written code contains light and sound information supportive of the transmission to further anchor and maintain the new frequencies and vibrational shifts brought forth. This code will be emailed to you post session along with instructions on how to work with it.
For more session information click here and for how to prepare for your session click here.